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-buy from children, and also give money to children; -touching people’s heads (including children);
-take more rice on your plate than you eat;
-deliver (and also pay) something with the left hand and not with the right or both;
-complaining about having to take off your shoes to enter a pagoda or a house, or even a shop. Complaining because you have to cover your shoulders and legs as a sign of respect in the places that are considered sacred in these parts. Complaining because you have to take off your hat in front of a statue of a deity or in a pagoda; -hug the monks and take photos with them (especially the women);
-walking around in a bikini or swimsuit when not on the beach;
-put your feet close to people;
-point with the foot (especially what is considered sacred);
-point at people with your finger;
-drink some water from the bottle (or just a few sips) and then leave it there because it becomes hot (the water is free and included in the price of the tour);

Mauro Brecevich – “Alla Scoperta Services” Siem Reap – Cambodia